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Name of resource
Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Young Carers Services
Author details
"Emily Carter, Schools Policy and Development Manager, Carers Trust. “ All rights reserved: no parts of this Toolkit may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco
Format - key words
Who is the audience/target group?
Young carer services
What is the main purpose of the resource?
Identification of Young Carers
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What are the key slogans/messages of the resource?
The toolkit contains essential tools, templates and guidance for – services that already work closely with schools…services that are developing their local schools engagement activities…services that do not currently have the capacity to engage directly with school staff. …It makes it easier for all services to maximise use of resources and deliver significant positive outcomes for young carers in schools. Highlights the multiple benefits that Young Carers in Schools (YCiS) can bring to all services, including those with existing, successful school engagement programmes. Sets out the concept of the whole school approach to identifying and supporting young carers, promoted by YCiS. YCiS provides an England-wide brand that enables services to respond to the latest changes in the school system. The rewards of collaboration can be great. By working together to provide schools with England-wide incentives combined with targeted, localised support, YCiS can maximise impact and achieve extraordinary results.
Why was the resource developed?
To enable young carers services to significantly increase the identification and support of young carers in school.